How does the teacher meet the basic question these theories ask: How people learn?

How does the teacher meet the basic question these theories ask: how people learn?
Week 7
The learning theories that I we searched last week all preoccupied themselves with one element and that is how people learn. This phrase how people learn which is the basis of many of our theories challenged my perception of how we teach. To me as I went through my research it was evident the teaching is not just instructing and giving out information to your learners but it is also to prepare yourself to go deeper than just be a loudspeaker of for information without making sure if your information finds and lending place.

As I research and learn more about this question theories seek to answer I realize that learning how people learn will in turn help teach my learners the best way they would like to be taught. I realized that for me to transfer knowledge to my learners I must first appreciate diverse learning styles my learners bring in the classroom.

I have also learned of many critical factors influencing our teaching and learning processes. As theories provide framework on which we teach, we must ensure that the theories are appropriate and relevant for our learners.  The question now is, in a class that has many students who require differentiation, how does the teacher meet the basic question these theories ask: how people learn? 
What tools does a teacher use to determine the right theory to use and what appropriate technology to supplement the theory? To find answers to these questions seem impossible with the kinds of demand the teaching profession impose on us. We must not loose heart though. We must take it slow and work on it theory to a theory.
